The seasons change, and with them, colors shift—each season carrying its own hues that give it character and spirit. Even foods differ in their colors, and sometimes, these colors evoke the essence of a place, filling the air with scents that transport us from one feeling to another, from one memory to the next. Just as certain colors ignite love, enthusiasm, and deep emotions within us, others may repel us, evoking fear or caution at times.
Thus, we emphasize that colors and their meanings form a complete cultural experience tied to time, place, and individual perception.
### Our Relationship with Colors:
As we know, culture is about acquiring knowledge from different fields, and our knowledge of color culture is linked to hair. As women, colors take up a significant part of our lives—in our homes, kitchens, workplaces, clothing, and of course, in our hair, through dyeing and other treatments. For this reason, we must have at least a basic understanding of this culture.
### Colors and Hair Dye:
One of the great blessings we have in life is our ability to color and change our hair, helping us escape the monotony of our appearance and, at times, the resulting boredom or melancholy. This change can uplift our mood and boost our confidence. However, for this experience to be truly enjoyable, the chosen hair color must complement our skin tone and be applied skillfully to avoid damaging our hair, ensuring a positive transformation without a stressful or unpleasant experience.
### Challenges of Hair Dyeing:
No matter how perfect and beautiful hair dye may seem, one major concern always lingers—what happens after a few months when the color begins to fade or change? This is a common source of frustration for both clients and hair color professionals, who sometimes face criticism due to the color’s impermanence.
Many people request, “I want a permanent hair color that never fades,” or, “I want a high-quality dye that won’t change over time.”
However, the unavoidable truth is that hair dye will eventually break down and fade due to various factors, which we will discuss shortly.
It’s essential to understand that hair color will inevitably change with repeated washing. This should not be a cause for fear; rather, we should embrace it positively.
For example, a red hair dye will gradually transition to a coppery-red shade, then to a golden copper, and finally to a golden hue.
While the golden tone may not be desirable for everyone, it shouldn’t cause anxiety. When your hair reaches a shade you don’t like, simply dye it again to restore the desired tone.
It’s also fascinating to observe and appreciate the transformations your hair undergoes, just like the shifting colors in nature. Think of how tree leaves blossom in the spring, ripen in the summer, and gradually change hues in the fall before they shed. We don’t resent the seasonal changes of leaves; instead, we admire their evolving beauty and artistic transition.
Similarly, you should enjoy every stage of your hair color journey rather than viewing it as a problem.
### When Should You Re-Dye Your Hair?
On average, hair grows about **1 cm per month**. With frequent washing, the dye will gradually fade, making your hair appear dull and somewhat dry.
This occurs because, during washing, the hair cuticles open, causing the color molecules trapped within to gradually wash away.
Re-dyeing your hair at this point will restore its vibrancy, as the new dye will coat and protect the strands, bringing back their shine and life.
Contrary to common belief, high-quality, salon-grade hair dyes do not damage hair; rather, they nourish and enhance it. I strongly advise against using commercially available box dyes, as they often lead to hair damage, breakage, and disappointing results.
### Why Does Hair Dye Fade?
Hair dye fades due to several factors, including:
1. **Water Quality** – Water containing chlorine or high levels of minerals (hard water) can cause color to fade more quickly.
2. **Shampoos with Sulfates and Salts** – These ingredients strip color from the hair, reducing its vibrancy.
### Final Thoughts:
The fading of hair color is neither unnatural nor alarming; rather, it is part of the natural cycle of renewal and change. Just as everything in life evolves, hair color is no exception.
Any advertisement or marketing claim promising a hair dye that remains unchanged for months is misleading. No such product exists. The only real solution is to refresh your hair color periodically, and rather than fearing this process, we should embrace it as an opportunity to experiment with new shades and styles.